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Pb with the green button of my remote controle + recovery tool


Pb with the green button of my remote controle + recovery tool

Hi everyone,

I'm having a pb with my sony AR21m notebook.

I can't anymore start the Windows media center by using the green button of the remote, but some of others buttons actualy work like the mute one.

Then I wanted to use the recovery tool but one window tell me it's impossible to use it since another software is using the partition of the recovery?

Any ideas for those pbs will be welcomed!

hace a nice WE anyway :slight_smile:


Hi bobdalloz76. Can't help with your difficulties - someone who knows what they're talking about will be by soon - but welcome to the club. :slight_smile:


Thanx for the welcome anyway :slight_smile:

Wait and see...



How did you try to restore, via windows?
What about restoring via Dos/Bios?

You can access the restore partition in Dos mode too.
You restart the computer and hit a shortcut key.

For the life of me, I dont remember what the shortcut key is ... maybe F11?
It shoudl be in the manual or someone on here should be able to tell you

In this case, you cant be using the recovery partition so it should work

Hi bobdalloz76,

Welcome to Club Vaio, :slight_smile:

Pressing F10 repeatedly when starting you vaio normally would start the recovery process..


Hello again.

First of all many thanx for those answers.

I succeded indeed to access to the recovery tool by pressing F10.
You were right.

But before choosing this drastic solution, I'm still wondering of anyone has any idea about my remote control.

Every time I open the media center, I have an error message:

ehExtHost.exe - Common Language Runtime Debugging Service

Process id = 0xbec ( 3052), Thread 0x1268 ( 4712)

And the green button of the remote control does not work, so I can't use it to open de Media Center. And it's weird because the mute button works. To conclude, some buttons work and some don't.

Any ideas is again welcomed.

Thanx by advance for your help