Share your experience!
ok, thank you both,
in my case, can i get my laptop replaced?
what are the steps that i can take to ensure this?
its a less than 4 months laptop AR11B
Pegasios Petrou
Hi Petrou20,
It would be helpful if you could post in the original thread, or at least give a link to same, as we are not mind readers
ok, sorry about that one
my original threat is
'This may sound a bit cruel but....
I have just recently, September 2006, bought a brand new Sony Vaio AR11B for a what it seemed a logical price.
After however less than 3 months of using my over-valued laptop, suddenly an Error made its appearance. I didn't think that it was important until the day my laptop wouldn't start. As soon as it was finishing Windows' loading a blue error screen would appear and the system would restart by itself....again and again and again.
I did what every one of us would do, i called Sony UK and sent them my laptop for repair. Which they did, at least that's what they said....
After however a month of this repair, the same error appeared again! This time I started questioning the hardware liability of my laptop and called Sony UK demanding for a solution. They told me to sent it again for repairing....Again!!! A four month laptop worth over £1000 for its second repair?? NO. I wanted what was stated in the Warranty, if couldn't be repaired the product would be replaced. BUT what I didnt know was that this only was valid for the first 14 days!!! 14 days!!! £1000+ for 14 days warranty??? It makes sense.....'
what do u think??
Who did you get it from?
Have you contacted them?
It all depends on the place of purchase rather than Sony.. as far as I can see, sony are honouring the warranty.
In my case, my laptop went crazy and about 4-5 months after buying it, I explained to the retailer that my second replacement is faulty and I would like a replacement
as they had none, they then refunded me no quibbles
Thats the policy of that retailer though... yours might be different
What exactly is the blue error message... can you put it on here ? (take a pic or type it up) because it might be something YOU are doing such as installing/updating/changing something on your laptop for example, drivers.
i cant! it says something about BAD POOL CALLER
what does that mean???