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without any error message, setting could not be changed in BIOS, BIOS detects only 128MB, but 2x 128MB are correctly plugged/installed, I have already switched the two memory cards, but still only 128MB? Any suggestions?
Thanks. (you can mail me to
Sounds like you have the dreaded memory slot failure issue.
As Kee-lo says, this smacks of the now all too famous RAM slot issue.
As a temporary fix, I have a couple of pieces of folded up paper wedged between the case trapdoor aperture and the non contact edge of the RAM modules - thus pushing the modules into their seats. The trapdoor, when refitted, holds the paper in place.
This works nicely about 95% of the time and will do me until I can sort out getting the RAM slots re soldered; just have to reseat the paper every now and then.
Worth a try, but in the long run, if this works, it won't beat getting a proper repair.
Its a bit of a pain mind you.
I have never heard of an FX with memory slot problems although there is always a first.
Have you tried plugging just one in at a time to see if one of your dimms is dead.
Thanks for your hints. Problem was the slot contact, the little folded piece of paper works! Incredible. After checking that, none of the memory cards are defect - I found the contactless slot and bingo! Thanks, again!
There you go William, not just a GRX issue
seen this problem alot recently...thats a pretty major fault on behalf of sony
seen this problem alot recently...thats a pretty major fault on behalf of sony
I have no experience of this problem but the general business acumen for companies in general seems to be if nobody actually says the problem out loud it therefore technically doesn't exist. I'm sure technically the problem doesn't exist but it seems bloody obvious even to me from the number of times I've seen people experience it.