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Wonder if anyone can help?
I've just purchased a VGN-FE41M loaded with Vista - after much agravation I've finally managed to get it running how I like
With the exception of My Club Vaio launchig at start-up. Is there anyway of preventing this from happening does anyone know.
I've tried msconfig; the start-up folder & even windows defender but the ofending program is not listed so still launches.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Hi Vidman and welcome to Club Vaio.
Not sure about Vista, but it must have something similar to Internet Options in XP where you can change your Homepage.
You will find that you have to turn off the "Homepage Protection" in your internet security suite (Norton?) as this prevents it being changed.
The other option is to search the Registry for a "Run" entry for
In XP you can also look in TaskBar -> Advanced and uncheck "Manufacturer Link" but again, not sure about Vista.
Hi Vidman,
Welcome to Club vaio,
The Vinster is having the same problem see his post here hopefully Vaio Support will find a solution..
I totally feel your pain. It's *really really* annoying, and I would love for there to be a way to switch it off. I can't seem to find ANY way to do it. It seems to be that some other service is calling the My Club Vaio to start up... and that's why it's not in msconfig / the registry etc.
Hopefully the Vaio people will have something to say soon!
Thanks for the reply; and the link to the vinster's thread. It's some how comforting to know your not on your own or missing something simple to rectify the problem.
Hi Vinster
Just seen your thread on the subject, it's a real bummer!
As you say hopfully the Vaio people will find a solution soon
Thanks for the reply; and the link to the vinster's thread. It's some how comforting to know your not on your own or missing something simple to rectify the problem.
I've escalated this again..