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Motion Eye Camera Not Working


Motion Eye Camera Not Working

I have VGN-FJ3S notebook and the Motion Eye Camera has stopped working? I have reinstalled all the drivers and performed a system restore to as far back as possible, but with no luck. The camera doesn't appear to show in the device manager?

Any Ideas anyone ???


I am having exactly the same problem on my vgn-fj3s, the motion eye camera was working perfectly yesterday, then i turn on my machine today and it can't been found anywhere! after spending 20 minutes on the phone with support doing system restores to no success i was told that there are no drivers available for the camera and the only way to get it back is to restore it to the factory settings (after backing up all of your data).

The big problem for me here is, if i restore to factory defaults, i will need to re-install ALL of the applications i currently have, no more or less, and if one of the applications i use is causing my webcam not to work (which they weren't until the last critical adobe and flash updates) - then i'm just wasting a whole heap of hours re-installing stuff.

[edit] i also downloaded/re-installed/replaced the utilities and drivers from the sony support site, but this didn't help either.

is there a solution/fix for this yet?
