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Model Code not recognised


Model Code not recognised

I have a couple of questions regarding my Vaio SVE1511C5E with a model/product number 54317912 that i bought is August 12.

every time i enter the model number the sony sites tell me it is not a valid model number.

I have checked in the bios and on the serial number sticket that it is the correct number?

I am looking to upgrade to Win 8. depending on the Sony support page i go to I get different answers as to being supported or not.

if use the Vaio upgrade for windows 8 page my product number is not reccognised?

If i go to the Are customised to order models are supported  mine is on the list (SVE1511C5E)

Which is correct?

I have run the Win 8 compatability program an it says

Secure boot requires firmware that supports UEFI v2.3.1 Errata B and has the Microsoft Windows Certification Authority in the UEFI signature database.

How can i find which firmware i have or an alternative compatable drive if needed.

lastly an error on the compatability of the Intel USB3 extension host controller Driver. is there an alternative driver?

So it boils down to Is my Vaio upgradable to Win 8 as i was led to believe when i purchased it. If so will all the hardware work correctly?



This really shouldn't be this dificult..:smileyshocked:

I'll try again & see if I can get someone to assist you..

Hi Owenss

Has anyone from Sony support been in contact with you.?

If so could you please update us..

Or if contact from Sony support is not made in a day or two then please let us know..

Hi Thalamus,

thanks for trying to push this along.

I did get a reply on the 20th from Sony Support to my question asking what is going on and this is their reply.

'Thank you for your recent email. We regret to inform that we are still working on this issue under case number ????????. You will be notified as soon as the issue has been solved.'

So still waiting. I did notice a load of new drivers have been put in the support for SVE1511C5E but am un-clear on what order or install/delete it would need to be done to make it work first time?

Although this problem does not stop me enjoying my Vaio. Many of the Sony Vaio websites that ask for a model number still don't reccognise my model?

Surely they have to have the model on their system to be able to build it?

It makes me wonder what problems lie in store for My Vaio in a few months or years if i need technical support. I now wish I could have waited 3 months untill Windows 8 Came pre installed?

Hi Owness,

Thanks to information from _anders & Massimo_Vaio posted in this thread - Model not recognized for Sony Windows 8 Upgrade Kit it would seem that a sending an email to Mentor Media requesting that they add the Vaio serial number to their database seem to be a temporary solution..

I am waiting for confirmation but I believe this may be the correct email address to use to contact Mentor Media -

Hi Thalamus,

Thanks for the info. I have read the other link and sent an email as suggested. Will update when i get a reply.

You're welcome Owens, I'm just sorry I was not able to get a solution from Sony for you..:smileyblush:

Hi Thalimus,

I have recievied an email from mentor media corp saying that my model is now covered. I sucessfully down loaded the link from the sony Vaio Win 8 upgrade Kit website and will upgrade this weekend.

A big thank you Thalimus for all your help.

Hopefully Sony will solve the problems with create your own models/product codes on the rest of their site soon?

Owenss wrote:

Hi Thalimus,

I have recievied an email from mentor media corp saying that my model is now covered. I sucessfully down loaded the link from the sony Vaio Win 8 upgrade Kit website and will upgrade this weekend.

A big thank you Thalimus for all your help.

You're welcome Owenss..

Owenss wrote:

Hopefully Sony will solve the problems with create your own models/product codes on the rest of their site soon?

What area(s) are you still having an issue with.?