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low hard drive on cr21s/w


low hard drive on cr21s/w

i have bought this laptop with 160gb storage and yet the hard drive is saying 102gb.when i checked the c drive for programs it said 4.97gb in total.
i have not put music or pictures on the computer but now,i'v got 90gb.


I would check again - you must have much more than 4.97GB used on your C:\ drive.

Your hard disc has 160,000,000,000 bytes capacity.

Your computer's operating system cannot count properly, Windows counts in Binary (everything to the power of 2)

Because Windows uses the binary system, the nearest it can get to 1,000 bytes (a kilobyte) is 1,024 bytes - calculated as two to the power ten (2^10=1024). So it uses 1024 bytes of your storage to count a kilobyte. Similarly, it counts 1,024 KB as 1MB and 1,024MB to get 1GB. This means your operating system is counting 1,073,741,824 bytes (2^30=1073741824) of your storage as 1 GB. Windows measures your 160GB drive as only 149GB.

Go to:

Control Panel -> Administrative Tasks -> Computer Management -> Disc Management

to see what capacity you have and how much is used.

You will probably find a Recovery Partition of about 7.5GB and drive C:\ capacity of about 141.5GB.
