Share your experience!
Posted in a thread elsewhere but have added it here incase anyone has any thoughts. thanks.
1. In my right-hand task bar it shows 2 computers when my mouse goes over it, it says "Currently connected to network:local and internet".
2. When I ping, sat it says " ping request could not find request. could not find host.
3. Open internet explorer - tries to open home pae but nothing.
4. In nework & sharing center it shows full green line between Laptop-Network-Internet.
5. I click on new network setting, set up to connect to internet say " you are already connected".
6. Select connect anyway. Only one option connect broadband PPOE.
7 Connection fails.
8. Open up outlook to chack mail. says not connected.
In Ip settings I have "get automatically" as instructed by isp.
No firewalls, even turned of windows firewall. Still no luck.
In network setings I have never dial a connection.
Router works fine with XP on other PC.
Any thoughts ?
Hi sterobinson,
Before you installed VISTA hoe did you connect to the internet (Modem, Network, Direct etc).
Look in Device manager Start > Run > devmgmt.msc
and then under MODEMS is your device here or if your Modem is USB under the Universal serial bus controllers (it will also have its own seperate tree if it is USB)
Reply back & we shall go from there
I don't think many USB modems work with Vista at all Resonate.
An ethernet/wireless modem is required as part of the basic specs.
I don't think many USB modems work with Vista at all Resonate.
An ethernet/wireless modem is required as part of the basic specs.
hi guys
its ethernet only, no usb. Is it only USB routers that require updated drivers for Vista ? Is there a chance that no amount of fiddling with settings will fix it. Could it be that the ISP-supplied router netgear adsl2 modem version dm11p cannot work with Vista ? My isp is unsure at the moment
looking around and identifying whats different to xp, in networking properties there are
client for microsoft networks
QoS Pacet Scheduler
File & print Sharering for MN
IP Version 6
IP version 4
Link Layer Topology Discovery Mapper I/O Driver
Link-Layer Topology Responder
When Im connectd i view status (in network and sharing centre), and it says
IPv4 connectivity = Local
IPv6 connectivity = Limited (is this the issue ?)Medi a state Enabled
Duration = 45 mins
Speed 100.mbs
Try to uncheck IPv6 and see if it solves your prob.
well guys finally some success.
borrowed a new router and connected this to the vista notebook, and hey presto..the internet its there and working a treat !
seems that the isp router is not compatible (or requires a firmware upgrade) to work properly. I switched to a D-Link DSL-604+ and its fine.i think this will become a more common issue as more people adopt vista. I called the isp who said that they were finally coming to the same conclusion, in that the router may not be vista compatible. they did say that about 1 in 10 seem to be fine which adds to the confusion.
so its taken three days since I installed vista to finally get it working then to install all the new drivers/utilities, and to determine the issue with the internet.
any regrets ? actually no. It might have been a little tiresome and frstrating at times but its exacly what you deserve if you take the leap to vista right now, but I actually love the new operating sysem, aero works great and having also installed Office 2007 the ease of the applications is excellent. and also when something is not quite working its an excellent way of discovering more about vista and how it works. you have this urge to discover what could be the issue and through the process you learn more about the new services, etc
good luck to anyone else that takes the leap !
Many thanks to those of you that have helped me along this weekend. without the vaio forum and the willingness of guys like Thalamus and Philfree , etc to point you in the right direction I would not have got this far and would have regretably leaped back XP.
You're welcome Steve, glad you're finally enjoying Vista on your Vaio..
Great that everything's now working. You may as I experienced every now and then still find some frustation with the way Vista handles things but nothing that can't be solved.
Have fun.
You may as I experienced every now and then still find some frustation with the way Vista handles things but nothing that can't be solved.