Hi, i have a Vaio TX37GPB, the internationnal version of the TX3. I bought it in Japan 
I have a few questions...
I did upgraded my computer to Windows Vista Ultimate but i have few problems with the softwares. I cant load Vaio Software recovery DVD to install the softwares, like Vaio Zone...
I can't control the sound with the front controlers, no way to use the Media controls too...
Otherwise everything is ok, the drivers seems to have been automaticly installed, theres still one that can't be installed...
So my questions are exactly :
Is there a DVD Kit for the Vaio Softwares to work on Windows Vista?
Do you have any idea where i can order a warranty extension for it, because after calling Vaio switzerland the suggested me to call directly Vaio Japan, mmm, i dont want to pay the warranty extension just by calling Japan 
I also have no way to access the download part of the Club Vaio because my serial number is a japanese one...
So i use this website : http://www.css.ap.sony.com/vaio/
But there are still no link in the : About Vista section...
Anyone can help me out?