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HOW To get Free Vista Upgrade if one buy laptop FE31H in November 2007???


HOW To get Free Vista Upgrade if one buy laptop FE31H in November 2007???

Hi all,

I was wondering where and how do I go about getting my laptop upgraded to Vista as I'm still on XP at the moment. I Bought my laptop in November 2007 and should have a free Vista upgrade, but don't know how to go about doing this? Could someone point me in the right direction.

Much appreciated.


Hi dangtuongly

I'm not aware of any other upgrade offers other than the Vista Express Upgrade.?

If your upgrade offer is the Vista Express, then unfortunately you're not going to like the reply, to claim the Vista Express upgrade you needed to have purchased your vaio between Oct 26th 2006 and 15th March 2007 and had to claim for your Vista Express Upgrade disc's by the end of March 2007.. :slight_frown: