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how do i get full control of my computer?


how do i get full control of my computer?

ive got a new laptop (brand new) and there is already a sony account on their as an admin. Even when im logged onto that account it wont let me change the name of the laptop or do some things (it says that only the admin can do that even when im logged on the admin account). The laptop wont let me change an admin account to a standard one or delete the account!!!

how do i gain control of everything???


SOunds like you sony has maybe been a display model or already used by someone, and they have already added an account.

I would suggest the easy choice and just restore your computer to factory setting. Just restart your computer, and keep hitting F10 until the recovery menu comes up. It will re-install all the original application and windows from fresh, and will delete any previous accounts. Warning, it will lose any personal information on your disc, and also takes around 2 hours to complete the recovery process.