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Help! My system has crashed


Help! My system has crashed

My system has crashed (VGC V2S - Desktop) and left me with a blue screen telling me to stop the following drivers in safe mode: 0 x 0000008E (0 x C0000005, 0 x F23F7636, 0 x EF7ABAF8, 0 x 00000000). Can anyone tell me how I can do this or any other option in getting my system back? I have rebooted several times and it gets to my desktop before crashing back to the blue screen error message. Any ideas? Thanks


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Hi PrincessG and welcome to Club Vaio.

I'm afraid the error code does not help much - except that there has been a 'Memory Access Violation'.

All this tells us is that either your memory modules are faulty or a device driver is faulty. It is usually a device driver - have you added any hardware or updated any drivers?

Try to open your V2S in Safe Mode. Turn your Vaio on and at the first Vaio screen, tap F5 repeatedly which should bring up a Boot Options Screen.

With the Up and Down arrows choose 'Last known good configuration' and press Enter. Your Vaio will try to boot normally using the settings that were used the last time you booted successfully.

If this does not work, reboot and press F5 and choose Safe Mode and Enter. You should be given an option to restore your system to an earlier date. Choose one a little while ago when your system was OK.

If these don't work, come back here and we will have to try something more complex.



ok, have tried rebooting, restoring and everything else, none of which worked. Following a guide I found with microsoft, I had to type in msconfig (in start, run) and find the service which was crashing my computer. I have located this as 'Plug and Play' and by disabling this my computer will restart. However, I have the basic of the basic of operating features now, as I figure Plug and Play controls pretty much everything! How can I fix the 'plug and play' device? Thanks for your help.

What external devices have you added to your computer recently? Either by USB or PCMCIA.

Have you updated any drivers recently?



I recently got a new sony ericsson phone, which I installed the software for. I have uninstalled this and still no joy. The only other new thing I have tried is a Regcure scan, which I did after I installed the software for the phone. Does this help?

Hi PrincessG,

It is very difficult to pinpoint the culprit - it needs some detective work.

It could be a Plug&Play device driver causing the problem but not necessarily.

By disabling Plug and Play you automatically stop other Services from running - and one of these may be causing the problem.

For example - Stopping Plug and Play turns off the following:

Logical Disc Manager
Logical Disc Manager Admin Service
Smart Card
Windows Audio

Have you had any problems with Audio?

You could try running the system repair tools in the CMD window:

SFC /scannow

both these take a while to run but I am really only clutching at straws.

Sorry, I'm not being much help !! It may end up with a Reinstall.

Anyone else got any ideas????



Just wanted to thank you for your help. After numerous searches, disabling/enabling, restarting and various other things, I got a random error message which told me my webcam was the cause of the problem (have had it installed for just under a year, so very bizarre it has only now decided it wants to crash my system). Uninstalled it and am now back to normal. Many thanks for your help