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Help! Laptop freezing! Now won't start!


Help! Laptop freezing! Now won't start!

Can anyone advise? My Vaio is just over 12months old and I am having major problems with it. For a few weeks it was freezing shortly after start-up (forcing me to shut-down by holding down on/off button) and now when it turns on it's telling me there's a problem with Windows and to reinstall disk. What the hell's going on?!!


Hi Traylock and welcome.

It sounds like a hard disc problem or some corrupt system or driver files. What is the exact error message you get?

What model Vaio do you have and are you using Vista or XP?

Can you start up in 'Safe Mode'? Turn on your Vaio and at the very first Vaio Logo screen, tap F8 repeatedly. This should open the boot options screen - choose 'Safe Mode' and press enter.

Does Windows start? The screen may look a bit strange.



hello dude,

ive got the same opinion. maybe u had a serious harddisc crash at ur last startup and data on ur harddisc have been corrupted and thats y u get the os error while booting ur system. if uve got still the backup partition, press f10 while booting and try the hardware diagnostic.
