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Hello,Any advice would be appreciated. I've had an FE31Z for a couple of months, initially there was far less heat generated than my previous laptop and it could be used comfortably for any length of time, not the case anymore, it appears to be producing excessive amounts of heat on the bottom right hand side.
Is there anything I can do to reduce the heat generated, or to check if the fan is working OK, as it very rarely runs, which I'd presumed was normal but thought it was worth asking, on my other laptop the fan was constantly kicking in!
Hi portugal97,
I think I would download MOBILEMETER which will monitor the temperatires of your CPU and your hard disc.
If you tell us the results, we should be able to tell if your Vaio is working normally or overheating.
Most laptops get too hot to put on your lap these days !!!!!!!
Have you tried blowing through the air vents with a little compressed air? I know your Vaio is fairly new but some dust may be blocking the vents.