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Guys quick question just installed VISTA with all the drivers from Sony on my FE11S. Why does Aero not run any ideas? Are other FE11S users finding the same problem....
I Cant find the link to your System Model, However i am assuming that your Specs are at least min required as follows:
Windows Vista Capable System requirements
The minimum requirements for Vista are as follows:
800MHz processor
512MB Ram
Graphics adaptor compatable with Direct X 9.0
These are required before you are able to Upgrade
The above requirements you need to run VISTA however AERO will not be able to run.
* 1 GHz 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor1.
* 1 GB of system memory.
* Support for DirectX 9 graphics with a WDDM driver, 128 MB of graphics memory (minimum)2, Pixel Shader 2.0 and 32 bits per pixel.
* 40 GB of hard drive capacity with 15 GB free space.
* DVD-ROM Drive3.
* Audio output capability.
* Internet access capability.
The requirements above are set to handle VISTA therefore AERO will work.
If you meet the requirments it could possibly be your Graphics Card which you can test with this Dedicated TOOL. See how you go with that & post back here & we shall go from there.
P.S. As i dont know which VISTA pack you have purchased i will say this, Vista Basic does not have AERO & cannot be used with the Home basic pack just in case.