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EC3 Series Dual Hard Drive Ribbon.

EC3 Series Dual Hard Drive Ribbon.

Hi All,

I have been in touch with sony support about this although I get the standard you cannot replace the hard drive on a couple of days old laptop response. the case number is Case ID #: 338720 although I think getting the same response twice is not the sony I once knew back in 1998 when I got my first Sony laptop :slight_frown: anyone remember the PCG-735? :slight_smile:

Anyways I have an EC3 series laptop with the caddie to enable dual hard drives however I do not have the ribbon cable that goes with this :slight_frown: I have asked sony if they can supply this although I get the above response.

however I do not want a new hard drisk but meerly to install a second hard disk such as the custom EC3 series are able to. or information as to whether the ebay item below would fit and work with my EC3, as I cant see them designing a whole new ribbon cable (MOX board) for each model of Laptop


if this is not compatable would one of you guys with the EC3 dual hard Drive connector be able to provide me with the part number and a telephone number of where I can get the ribbon from so that I can add the second hard drive.

Best Regards

S Truswell