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Downgrading Vista to XP [FZ21S]


Downgrading Vista to XP [FZ21S]

Hello and a Happy New Year to all.
Just before Christmas I bought a new FZ21S preinstalled with Vista Home Premium. I was initially very happy with it until I found that it was very much slower than my old computer running XP. Simple tasks like installing programs were taking a lot more time (and space!) to complete. On XP, after a fresh install and then adding my software my drive would have used about 15GB. Doing this on Vista takes up almost treble the space?!?!?!?!
Anyways, I want rid of Vista and have read about the option of downgrading back to XP, but I can find a link anywhere to download a copy of XP. How do I do this as I've sold my old computer along with my XP install disks.

Hope you can help.
Thanks for your time.


Hi Steven,

I'm sorry to say that if you want to install XP you will need to purchase a retail copy of XP with its own valid License Key.

There is no Microsoft downgrade option for Vista Home Premium so you cannot exchange your existing Vista License for an XP License. There are some arrangements to allow a temporary downgrade if you hold a Vista Business or Ultimate Licence Key but even with this arrangement, you need your own XP Installation Discs and a valid license key.


If you go to a computer repairer they will sell you a OEM version of XP Professional for £70 maybe less...negociate. The shop will sometimes insist for you to buy some kind of hardware with an OEM (non retail) copy so just buy a mouse from them. :wink:


Many thanks for the quick reply. I don't seem to be alone in thinking that Vista is pretty poor. My old comp was a P4 3.2 with 1GB of ram and I couldn't believe that it performed Windows tasks MUCH faster than Vista. Its a disgrace that Microsoft are forcing an OS that is in many ways WORSE than their previous one. Is anyone else finding these same problems???

Whats really bothering me is this: if I downgrade back to XP is there any way I can get back all the necessary drivers for Bluetooth/Volume Buttons/Launcher Buttons etc that came installed on the Laptop. I'm also assuming theres no way to get things like Works and Roxio back???

Yeah you are spot on check here from the handsome and talented Blencogo


Is anyone aware if ANY of these will work:

VAIO Control Center [I use this to set the function of the AV and S1 buttons]
VAIO Update

everything else I could live without but I'd really like to retain these

This is what Sony say: -

After you changed the OS from Windows Vista to Windows XP and install these drivers and applications you will face following problems:
1. AV Mode Button can not be used.
2. Instant On mode can not be used.
3. Fn+F5/Fn+F6 Function Key(Brightness Control) can not be used.
4. Fn+F10(Zoom in/out function) can not be used.
5. When connect with HDMI, the sound output does not work.

I don't think Vaio Update will work - you will have to update manually.
No AV Mode
Everything else should work.

XP Drivers are available from Vaio-Link for the FZ29-Series.
This is the only place that seems to have FZ21-Series Utilities available.
