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Hey everybody! I'm new here. I bought a Vaio FE41M, and when i use it, sometime (around every 5 or 10 minutes...), there is a sound like a "DING", and i don't know why it is used.... I have a friend that has the same sound, and doen't know why too...
is there somebody that know why???
Is it a sound sample ding or a two bits of your computer hitting together and going ding?
I think we may have a bit of a problem solving this one!
Is it the same as when you connect a printer or mouse to a USB Port?
You can turn off windows sounds if you wish.
Start->Type "sound" and hit enter
Go to the sounds tab and in the drop-down box select "no sounds"
Click ok and you will have no pesky sounds anymore just to the same and put it back on windows sounds if you prefer the noise!
no, sorry, it is a "ding" sound like a little bell, the same as the one, when you are on MSN or live messenger, and you delete you sentence and there's nothing to delete, and "DING", and you delete a word.
you know what i want to say?
I just wanted to be sure - the noise the hard drive on my old laptop made could have been called a 'ding'.
Are you doing anything in particular when the noise happens? If not, try this...
Press and click on the Processes tab. Then click on where it says CPU twice (not double click) and watch to see if something pops to the top of the list when the 'ding' happens.
Hey everybody! I'm new here. I bought a Vaio FE41M, and when i use it, sometime (around every 5 or 10 minutes...), there is a sound like a "DING", and i don't know why it is used.... I have a friend that has the same sound, and doen't know why too...
is there somebody that know why???