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I am sorry but without search feature one needs to be really lucky (or persistent) to find a solution if it is exists...
Anyway, I have VAIO PGC-GRT815M with constantly running fan, I mean I never got my fan stopped. Today I saw almost the same computer PGC-GRT815E and it works like I supposed that it should be ¿ fans start only when the CPU is overheated. Does anybody know what is the normal behavior, before I call the support.
Hehe well it's very handy
Well I tested the CPU and HDD temperatures and they are 51C and 37C, respectively. It seems that this particular model has several fans as well. The air from the back outlet is really hot - probably 50C my rough guess. Apparently I can't keep that normal temp. without running fan...
To "pmitev", the problem of your laptop does not show up in mine, in mine the cooling works great. The cooling's just workedreally hard when I use more than 70% of CPU, and below 70% of CPU the fan works very quiet.:smileyhappy: It means the cooling nearly works everytime.
The normal temperature of my CPU is 50-60'C, and maximum is 84'C but sometime the CPU can up to 2.83 - 2.9Ghz (if the MobileMeter showed the right number, I'm not sure). The temperature of HDD is 40'C in normal, and maximum is 45'C.
You should check it with yours, may be you not really need to repair your laptop. Have a nice day:smileygrin:
Thanks, I've got the same impression. Probably because the notebook is on clear wooden desk the noise is exaggerated. It's really annoying especially in quiet environment...
Could be worse,
I remember the volcano 7 fan for a desktop PC, it was like being in a hanger!
Be glad it's how it is now, if dual processors come to laptops god knows what it's goin to be like. I know someone with a dual processor Mac and the fan is ok noise-wise, but the heat is incredible. It's like sitting in the middle of the freakin Amazon.
I don't think we'll see dual CPUs in laptops until water cooling becomes mainstream in notebooks.