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Loaded a small CD in the special holder furnished with my PC.
Loaded the disk in de CDROM-drive but canneot eject it;holder with
disk in it are stuck in the drive and I cannot eject.Anybody an idea
how to solve that problem?
Hi baloria,
Have you tried the emergency eject? Assuming that your drive has this, you should find a small hole on the face plate (approx 3mm diameter) – insert a straightened paperclip into this and the drive should eject.
If that fails to open the drive then possibly the adaptor or disk is out of place and jamming the draw.
Thanks,Rich,for replying.
Yes,there is an eject bottom on the drive and activating it,one can hear a sound
indicating that ejection is activated but,has you sas,holder and minidisc must be
stuk inside.Tried to use that combination before and it worked.Even now,inserting
a normal disk,I can eject it.I will have to find a way to get in touch with Sony
unless somebody here knows the tric.
Thank you once more and best regards,
Hi baloria,
I was not referring to the normal eject button but a small aperture in the faceplate of the drive. This is a manual hardware eject. Can you see a small circular hole in the faceplate of the drive?
Hi baloria,
I was not referring to the normal eject button but a small aperture in the faceplate of the drive. This is a manual hardware eject. Can you see a small circular hole in the faceplate of the drive?
Hello Rich,
There is no normal DVD/CD-drive on the unit;simply a narrow vertical slot that pics up
the disk when you start to load it nand next to it there is a button to manually eject.
Reading the manual,they just propose,in case of ejecting-failure,to restart the process.
Think that I will need some device to get hold of the inserted disk to get it out since
it has to come out anyway.
Thank you and kindest regards to all of you,
Hi Baloria,
Have you placed the end of a paperclip into the emergency eject hole on the front of the cd drive, as this should allow you to manually open the drive..?
The hole you are looking for should be similar the the one in this image..
Have been lookin for that hole and indeed,there is a smal circular thing next to the
manual ejecting knob;tried to introduce something,but no luck.Will have to look for
a small needle or similar and inform you about the result.
This unit has no normal dvd/cd drive but a vertical thin opening;introducing a disk,it
grabs and load it when ca 4cm in that slot.Will try to add up a picture.
Thanks and good evening,
P.S.The manual just instructs you to restart the process in case of failure to eject.
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Are you sure that this is the picture you intended to attach Baloria