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Blue screen issue ...

Blue screen issue ...

Hello Chapies ...

I am new to Sony with a VGA FZ11Z ...But my problem is with my Toshiba A100 which have been repaced with the sony.

Hopeing things will be the same, I am getting a blue sceen followed by a shut down.

The blue screen says on the screen while files are being dumped, that takes about 10 seconds the the computer closes down. It says it is closeing down so the computer dose not become damaged, it gose on to say go into BIOS and make changes e.c.t. I have run recovery disk 10 times or more, and a new set-up dose not solve this problem. Its a 1.6 mhz 2 GB ram, 128 Graphics running windows Vista premium ....

I think its a memory problem ? ..but what kind of problem ?? Any comon problem surggestions.

Rehards Colin


Have you installed any new hardware? RAM Perhaps? If it's not installed proper or the bios settings are incorrect; this can cause a Blue Screen Crash.

Sony Member

Yes 1 GB of RAM was installed two months ago, by Toshiba, at Toshbia Center.

My warranty is just over, but do you thing the RAM up-grade has a guarantee being just 2 months old ?

thanks for the reply

Regards Colin


Sony Member

Yes 1 GB of RAM was installed two months ago, by Toshiba, at Toshbia Center.

My warranty is just over, but do you thing the RAM up-grade has a guarantee being just 2 months old ?

thanks for the reply

Regards Colin

I'm not sure about the guarantee on your RAM but its worth a try. Do you still have the old chips? If so put them back in and see if your system crashes. If it doesn't you know the problem is prolly with the new RAM.

Thanks again ...

No because I had it replaced on-site I do not have the old RAM. But Monday I will contact Toshiba to see if they will sort out this problem for me ..

It should be garanteed, or I should hope so ...

Regards Colin