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Battery a consumable?


Battery a consumable?

Having attempted to log a call because the battery in my 5 month old BX396VP wont hold its charge for more than 24 hours even when taken out of the laptop, I was told by technical support that batteries are only covered under warranty for the first three months because they are a 'consumable'. What a load of garbage. Consumables are disposable computer supplies such as cd's, dvd's, floppy disks & printer papers. A battery is an essential part of a laptop. Consumables are what you purchase in a store to use with your equipment. SOny say that a battery is a consumable because it can be detached from the laptop. Perhaps Sony's next move is to stop supplying batteries with their laptops altogether because 'consumables' are not an essential requirement.

I wish I hadnt bought the three year extended warranty now and used the money to buy a spare battery. I have to purchase 44 new laptops this month for my company. After this fiasco, they wont be Sony's


May, how do you use your batterys?
In my Fe31 M I uses the battery 3 hours and load it over night.
I has this battery since December and I've got no problems with it.

At the otherside we 've got Dell Latitudes at the school and these batterys had to be chanchged because of high temperature and the new batterys aren't usable yet.

All in all I think batteries of Sony are the best you can have.

PS: NOTHING isn't consumable

Having attempted to log a call because the battery in my 5 month old BX396VP wont hold its charge for more than 24 hours even when taken out of the laptop, I was told by technical support that batteries are only covered under warranty for the first three months because they are a 'consumable'.  What a load of garbage.  

Not at all, they're spot on, consumables are not just CDs and other items but batteries as after some time they are "consumed".

It is the same everywhere, specially DeLL


When I got my free replacement laptop off Sony, they didn't want my old battery back, which incidently fits into my new laptop (well 7 months old now) so although I haven't used it I have a "free" spare from sony :smileygrin: