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KDL-40WD653 BBC apps issue


KDL-40WD653 BBC apps issue

I have a KDL-40WD653 (2016 model). It has an issue whereby after loading one of the BBC apps a few times (e.g. the iPlayer app), subsequent attempts to start the app results in a brief loading animation followed by a black screen, and then nothing else. I can exit out by pressing the HOME button, but I have to power off at the wall to get the BBC apps working again.


I have noticed a Sony issue announcement: - however it makes no mention of what issue the announcement relates to.


Does anyone know what specific issue the Sony announcement relates to, and is there an easier way to "reboot" the TV than powering off at the wall?



Not applicable

Hi there


I questioned that announcement too, as it gives no real information.  However, the announcement is in regards to your problem with iPlayer.


Symptoms occurs after an IPTV service has been used (such as YouTube or Netflix), and you want to switch to BBC iPlayer or an HbbTV service afterwards. The BBC iPlayer / HbbTV service cannot be launched in this case.


A permanent solution will be implemented with a future firmware update. Until then, a possible work-around is to unplug the AC power and launch the BBC iPlayer / HbbTV service without launching any IPTV services first.




@Anonymous thanks for confirming that, I'm glad the issue has been recognised at Sony and that presumably a fix is on the way. Unfortunately getting to the wall power switch requires moving the TV, so I will be glad when that is no longer necessary!


The support announcement for this issue was removed from the website about a week ago and yet no new firmware is available for the TV. I'm puzzled.


My first post.


I bought a KDL-48WD653 a week ago and was ready to return it due to the iPlayer problem.

It just wouldn't load at all. A Smart TV without iPlayer in our house is a Stupid TV.


(another isue is that the 5 on Demand app always returns the mesage something like "unfortunately this program is not available at the moment" no matter what I choose)


Having tried everything else, the workaround suggested by Quinnicus: switch off TV, crawl around back and unplug (no small task given that the TV does a good job of helping you keep cables hidden away), then wait a few seconds, plug back in and switch on.


I tried iPlayer then and it works great! So the TV has a conditional stay of execution.


Encouraged, I then tried 5 on Demand again - same message. Went back to iPlayer- frozen black screen again.


So, did the unplugging crawl again, started again, iPlayer working fine.


I daren't try any other online service until Sony fix this. It seems from toastpod's post that this has been a known issue for at least a month.




Thankfully a firmware was released about a month ago for the WD6 which fixed the iPlayer loading issue. Wuaki has also been added which enables films to be rented, and that's good too.


As you say though, 5 On Demand reports "program not available" for every program I try to watch, and this issue remains unresolved.

I am fairly close in just taking back the troublesome KDL-40WD653 back to my high street store to swap for another branded TV but thought I'd research the issue, so here I am.


Background story is after recently moving house, I originally bought the 32 inch version (KDL32W705C) but due to underwelming screen size (new living room quite narrow) and regular wi-fi drop out (so I thought at the time), I decided I'd swap it for the 40 inch model (KDL-40WD653).


On the KDL-40WD653, size was much better, great picture and sound, but the drop out of wi-fi continued when I tried to access iPlayer or YouTube.... black screen with a timer at the top right hand corner. Netflix seems fine but I do use iPlayer and Youtube more. Could only be solved by powered off the whole TV at the mains. Even though the router was in the same room (3-4m from the TVI decided to buy a network cable and plugged it direct from router to TV but the issue still occurred! Nothing wrong with my Internet or wifi then!


Reading what other people have put here, this looks to be a software problem. What do you recommend... sitck with this TV or move on? I've got upto a week to decide. The picture quality and sound are amazing, but I don't believe spending £450 means I need to have a buggy TV and powering it off/on more often than not. How good are Sony with their firmware/software updates? Regular? I have already have the latest firmware (v8.110) and factory reset. Its very frustrating.



That's unfortunate. The BBC failed loading issue was solved for me with firmware v8110.


Wi-fi also seems stable for me, it's connected to a Sky Hub (SR102) which sits in a neighbouring room, passing through two walls when accounting for a straight line path.


If you haven't tried a factory reset, then try that. You could also try contacting Sony Customer support via this website, but be prepared to fill in a substantial questionnaire! 


Unfortunately iPlayer has stopped again on my KDL-48WD653.



The TV tells me it has all the latest software updates. I can access iPlayer on my tablet and PC, but TV will show the iPlayer interface, list the available programs, step you through any age related content issues like string language, then fail to run the chosen programme, displaying a "something has gone wrong ... " message, by which time the strong language is coming from my side of the telly.


I've done all the unplugging and rebooting of both TV and router, but no joy.


I'm at my wit's end. What can I do next?


I hardly have time to spend hours messing with this but the impression I get from this forum is that nobody from Sony will sort it out.

Not applicable

Hi @kellydown


Just checking in to see if its working again, as the iplayer has the uncanny habbit of working ok the next day for some reason.

