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Missing a feature from my Xperia Z premium

Missing a feature from my Xperia Z premium

Hey community/hopefully support, too. 

I just figured out that my old Sony smartphone (Z5 premium) has a feature that my Xperia 5 doesn't have. Don't know why, think it just might be quite simple to add.

What Iam missing ist the "Media Server"

The Application works perfect and will it maybe addable through system update?

Kindly regards





Since the Z series, when X series was introduced, a lot of native Sony apps were no longer supported.

Other Sony apps were withdrawn from Google Play.

Xperia nowadays is an Android platform which is close to the original Android we see on Google devices.


Go and do a search for Sony.

You will find apps from Sony Marketing, Sony Corporation, Sony Home Entertainment, Sony Imaging Products, Sony Network Communications.

When you do a search for Sony Corporation you will find a collection of Xperia apps, amongst which a collection of Xperia Themes.


The oft overseen treasure is Support for Xperia and few people enjoy the joy of having Movie Creator work on your Xperia in the background.