Bluetooth pairing problem

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Bluetooth pairing problem

I have just bought a Nissan Note with built in bluetooth (Nissan Connect), but I cannot get my Xperia pro to pair.  The phone is running ICS.  I have 2 other (non-android)  phones which pair with the car easily, and the phone itself will pair with my netbook, so there is nothing fundamentally wrong wilth the phone or the car.  The only wrinkle I can see is that the phone, according to the literature, defaults to a passcode of 0000, whereas the car is fixed at 1234.  I never get the opportunity to enter the passcode - the car just says it has failed to connect..  Are there any android apps which will control bluetooth better, or is there some other known issue?


I have this issue too.

Car is a Nissan Note with passkey default 1234

phone is a Xperia Z3 with default 0000

the workaround above does not work as the car is not detected as a device, i've tried several apps but none has worked so far.

Is there a way to change the default passkey in the Xperia?

@Samuel wrote:

I have heard about this issue from a colleague of mine who had the same problem. I don't know why the passcode-box isn't triggered (this has been escalated internally for investigation) but I have a workaround for you.

Open up contacts in your Neo, select a contact and send it via bluetooth. When you get the list of available devices, choose the car. When you select to send this to your car, you get to put in the passcode. Now they should be paired.


I got the same problem except its a Nissan Qashqai and a Z1... any news how to fix this problem?? or any new apps?

@julsqwe wrote:

I have this issue too.

Car is a Nissan Note with passkey default 1234

phone is a Xperia Z3 with default 0000

the workaround above does not work as the car is not detected as a device, i've tried several apps but none has worked so far.

Is there a way to change the default passkey in the Xperia?

@Samuel wrote:

I have heard about this issue from a colleague of mine who had the same problem. I don't know why the passcode-box isn't triggered (this has been escalated internally for investigation) but I have a workaround for you.

Open up contacts in your Neo, select a contact and send it via bluetooth. When you get the list of available devices, choose the car. When you select to send this to your car, you get to put in the passcode. Now they should be paired.


Hi all, thought I'd post this as me and the Mrs had the same issue on our 2012 qq, problem solved after much searching the Web and found the following on Google play. Blue tooth auto connect, developed by Michael brackmann, it is 1.38 to buy but is excellent at connecting to everything including the nissan connect head unit. Worth every penny. Enjoy.

I have just tested this on my Xperia XA1, and it fixed my issue of not being able to put in a pin number without it failing.

My car is a nissan Quashqai passcode was 1234

Remember to have the bluetooth in pairing mode at the time


Hi Ungravity,

Good morning to you.

I have issue on pairing my Sony XA1 to my vehicle.

How did you fixed the issue?



Sending a contact has worked perfectly for me. Itwas the only way to enter the bluetooth code 1234 !

Thank you very much.