Alarm clock not ring on time


Alarm clock not ring on time

I've faced this problem many times before. But I waited new update solved this problem. But despite I updated my phone's software to 30.2.A.1.21, this problem has not solved yet. For instance I set up my alarm clock 6 a.m, alarm ring 6:04 a.m. I set STAMINA function when my battery level is lower than %15. I plug my phone charge before I go to bed, it is mean that my phone in charge all night and my battery never lower than %15. So I think this problem is not caused by STAMINA mode. Thank you for your interest.
Best regards!
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Hi @schkr, I'm sorry to hear about that. Slightly_frowning_Face

Do you have time and date set to automatic, or have you entered it manually? To check that, go to Settings > Date & time. If you have it set to automatic, try to see if it makes a difference in manual - and vice versa.

In addition, could you try clearing data for the clock app? This will reset all your alarms and other clock settings, but may help solve what you're experiencing if the cause is the app itself. Go to Settings > Apps > Clock > Storage > Clear data in order to do so.

Let me know how it went!


Thank you so much for your quick response! It is setted automatic mode and i've changed to manual mode. I've cleared all database of the clock. I will try again and I will share any experience which I face a few days later.
But I want to say that a few times I woke up early than alarm, I realised to alarm has not ring yet, I pushed the power button than alarm started to o ring. This problem may caused to power management in my opinion.
Thank you again.

Yes, feel free to let me know how it went! Regarding STAMINA, the Alarm should still be present while in the STAMINA/Ultra STAMINA modes so it would sound strange if these were the cause. Could you try to see if the same occurs in safe mode if it persist even after clearing data?


I have same problem. The problems started after the upgrade android 6.0. I've tried different alarm applications but problem is not solved.


I have the same problem guys ..

Android 6 (30.2.A.1.21)  bug , please sony fix this



That sounds very strange. Slightly_frowning_Face I would like to forward this internally for investigations, could one of you create a bug report and send it to me by PM?

To create a bug report, go to Settings > About phone, tap the build number until it states that you're a developer. Once that is done, go to Settings > Developer options, activate USB debugging here and change the logger buffer size to 4M.

Now wait for the alarm to be delayed, then go to Settings > Developer options > Take bug report > Report. A file will now be created and you can follow the progress in the notification bar at the top. Once it's done, choose to share it to for example Dropbox or Google Drive and then send me the link in a PM. Make sure the file is set to public so that I can access it.


When I have stamina mode on

Some times the alarm clock delay ... e.x I set to ring at 4:00 pm and rung at 4:05 pm
I tried to take a bug but when I open the screen the alarm clock start to ring 
How to sent the bug ? 
After the alarm ? 


Hi @Georges98,

Yes, after the alarm has rung simply follow the steps I mentioned in my previous post to create the bug report. Once it's done, you'll see it in the notification bar and by pressing it you should be presented with options for sharing it. Share it to a cloud based storage and PM me the link to it. Slightly_smiling_Face

Also, please include step by step instructions on how to recreate the behaviour.


It seems like the problem was solved when I follow the way what you mentioned. I cleared database of the clock app and i started to use in manual mode. I have not faced any delay yet. If I have any delay next time, I will report in this topic.
Thanks for your interest!