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BDP-S6500 Sony promotion UK

BDP-S6500 Sony promotion UK

I recently purchased the BDP-S6500 from Amazon in the Black friday deal. I used the online form to register for the promotion and sent the order details not in the invoice and rightly so go an email back rejecting participation in the promotion but was given 10 days to submit the invoice. There was an issue with Amazons online invoice system but i eventually managed to get Amazon to send me a copy of the invoice in pdf format by email, I submitted but it got rejected again saying it wasnt a legitimate invoice from Amazon. I wrote to Amazon asking for help and the Head of UK invoice team emailed Sony direct with invoice again. Well thats been it, Sony havent responded at all, they have ignored all attempts to get a response. This is disgusting customer service, to not even acknowledge numerous emails. I am a loyal Sony customer who owns a Sony TV, 2 blu-ray players, home cinema, digital video camera. I cannot believe that a massive multi national would just ignore a customer. Please can this get sorted. the case number is | Case ID:13626160[case:13626160]. You should be ashamed of yourselfs.


