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Bdp-s490 poor picture quality

Bdp-s490 poor picture quality

Hi, I have just purchased a new  BDP- s490, and I can not get the picture right, I have reset the player using the stop button for 10secs to set it at its lowest setting, but when I play a blue ray disc the picture seem as its set in 3D, or just bad quality, as Im not sure what 3d looks like on a normal tv, the picture is the same when I put I a normal DVD, and its perfect when I put in a DVD-R, can some body please help, it's connected to a Sony Bravia 50" rear projection Tv, with HDMI cables,


Have you tried with a differnt TV & different cables. If you are trying to play 3D Blu-ray, this won't work on your RPJ TV as its not compatible though. You would need a 3D BRAVIA or similar to do this..


I have tried it on a different tv and it seems to work, I brought it back to the local Sony store, and they reset it, told me to set it on the lowest res as my tv is not 1080i . I set it up again and it's the same, I have a sky HD box and its says on my HD channel that's its 1080and it works fine, also I have tried switching them around still no good. My tv is Sony 50" rear projection KDF 50E 2010, do I need a new tv?