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Waiting for TV repair for nearly 6 weeks - Shocking service


Waiting for TV repair for nearly 6 weeks - Shocking service

Hi, I am desperately needing help with a repair of my 42w705b TV. The TV was purchased on 26/02/15 from the Sony Outlet store and was only working for 3 weeks when it developed a fault, with the LED light flashing red 8 times. I have been in contact with the Technical Support team at least 7 times now and every time I phone them I am assured the TV is booked in for repair and someone will be in touch within 24 hours to arrange it. Needless to say, this never happens and I have to phone back. No-one has a clue what they are talking about on that line and yet it is the only point of contact for repairs. Someone please help soon or I am going to Trading Standards about it. My case reference is 12275596. Thanks.


Hi @jockscot1 and welcome to the Community :slight_smile:


Sorry to hear you've had some problems arranging repair :slight_frown:

Sony won't respond on this forum, this is mainly a Sony User / Fan Community.


I have escalated this for you and hopefully someone will be in touch with you in the next couple of days.

Are your contact details correct in your profile?




Yes thanks, they are. No offence but I've also heard that numerous times too.

None taken :slight_smile:

None of the experts etc. work for Sony so you can say what you like.

(Well - within reason lol)


Escalations are a little different through this forum, so just hold tight and I'm sure you will be contacted.



Ok, that's great then. Thanks for your help.

No worries :slight_smile:

Keep us updated in this thread, if I receive any news I will post here too.




After being promised a call from a manager within 24 hours, again no response. I phoned them and finally managed to speak to one. He says there has been a problem with the warranty on my TV and every time a repair is created the system thinks there isn't a warranty and automatically cancels it. He is going to try and create one manually and assures me someone will be in touch about a repair. Quite how this has gone on for 6 weeks is beyond me, tempted to phone back and ask for something for the inconvenience but would probably be wasting my breath...

...well it may be worth a free pen or sticker lol. (Just Kidding)

Why not? If you don't ask you don't get :slight_smile:


Thanks for the information. At least you're getting somewhere now.

I will update your escalation now.