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Ripped off by Sony multi million £$ company

Ripped off by Sony multi million £$ company

Today i found out my son has spent £320 on shark cards in 12 days by mistake (stupidity i dont know), sony refuse to refund this amount or even comprimise. i will now have to go to the bank and retrieve my money this way as it is so close to xmas, i dont want to because the ps4 will be rendered useless when it is blocked. so what do i do now?

I will sell all his games accesories etc. and put them towards an xbox, i would rather retrieve my money from the bank and put it towards an xbox and give my money to Microsoft and have nothing more to do with Sony. well done Sony for your excellent policies you will loose out in the long run as i can't be the only person this has happened to.

(and yes, ultimately it was my mistake for being ignorant to the purchases but no excuse for Sony not to comprimise)


Hi @Ollyackdrew,


PlayStation related issues are discussed on the PlayStation forums.


I doubt anyone here can help you with your issue.


If I am not mistaken, the Shark Cards are the micro-transactions from Grand Theft Auto 5 - have you tried to contact RockStar Games regarding this?

Maybe they can do something about this, since they are the publisher of the game and ultimately the people you (your son) bought the ingame currency from.


- Nic


EDIT: I wish you best of luck.


I just read trough the EULA of RockStar Games and found this:


"You are solely responsible for all VC purchases made through your User Account regardless of whether or not authorized by you."

 So Sony probably can't do anything about this, since they are just a licensor. 


Definetly contact RockStar Games and see if they can help you out.