Share your experience!
Hello @Simple48Simon,
your post seems to miss the text - would you mind to add it to my comment as a reply?
- Nic
sorry about that . After I put in the heading it immediately posted - I am currently having a problem with my iPad screen doing all kinds of odd things after a small crack appeared so probably a fault at my end.
I then reposted with the original question under the same heading and it seemed to go off ok . Will check to see if it's now up.
oh dear. I be searched for my second post and even using the search facility can't find it so as you requested set out similar question below.
I have lots of well loved music on disks recorded on my two Sony MDS-JE480s .Because I am now away from home a lot I would like to get some of this music on to USB sticks and the question is can that be done and if so how best to go about it .
As it may be helpful To know in getting to an answer I have 5 computers:
1.a now little used Sony Vaio PCV-RX301 running on Windows Xperia
2.An Apple iMac of about 20 year old vintage running iOS 10.8
3. An HP laptop running Windows 10
4. A Microsoft laptop running Windows 10
5 A Dell laptop running latest Ubuntu
Any help gratefully appreciated
Hello @Simple48Simon,
as long as your PC/Notebook has a mic- or lin-in post you can connect your minidisc player to it and record the music manually in real-time to your hard drive with "Audacity" and edit the recording into individual tracks afterwards.
- Nic