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I need to test Sony WH1000xm3 - Does Sony UK have a set to loan?

I need to test Sony WH1000xm3 - Does Sony UK have a set to loan?

My wife is hard of hearing and these headphones could be the answer to her problem. She wears headphones 90% time when watching TV or radio and the ability to control outside noise (me trying to talk to her!) could be the solution.

Unfortunately paying £300+ to 'test' whether they work is not sensible. I know Sony send out stuff for people to review and wonder whether there is a contact point / person / email that I could use to try and see if I can arrange this.

I am in the UK.




Hi @markolarkos :slight_smile:


Is it possible for you to visit a Sony retailer where you could test one?

Failing that you could always try getting in touch with Support,

details can be found Here



I phoned support who were completely blase about my request and sugested I go to a local retailer...and ask them if you can try them out!!


Like I can just imagine Argos letting me open up and play with a £330 pair of headphones...

So you know what I did...

I decided to take up the Amazon Challenge!!


I ordered a pair of the WH1000xm3's.

They arrived yesterday. My wife has been playing with them and look the business. They are beautifully made and very smart and comfortable.


Amazon will automatically accept returns and do all the paperwork automatically ... So it is another good reason why the high Street WILL DIE!


I retilers think they can sit in their ivory now crumbling towers while on-line suppliers are comitted to delivering service at a reasonable cost.


I have previously returned stuff to Amazon and all it takes is 1 click for them to produce the documentation which you take to the post office and pass it over. Excellent result but a very poor showing on SOny's behalf. It is so sad as I am a Sony affecianado having just bought an Alpha6500 and soon the A7000 but this is now the third time I have hit a brick wall with Sony being intransigent with  customers.  I am sure that if Head Office in Japan read this they might just consider that they have not reacted in a possitive way.


Having said that the headphones are very competent. If SOny want me to do a review I will but it might just cost them a beer!

Hi again @markolarkos :slight_smile:


Glad you manged to get hold of a pair.


To be fair I don't think many companies hand stuff out to people based on a letter or phone call out of the blue,

but out of interest did you contact the Support line or the actual Head Office of Sony UK?


Support wouldn't really help with this, thats why I suggested you try and find a retailer (I should have explained or a Sony Centre or section in a department store to go and test them out.)


Hope that you're wife is happy with them :slight_smile:


Also love your choice of camera :wink: The 6500 is a very good vintage :grin:

Hello, dear friend. I am not sure if Sony has a set to loan, but I think that most probably they don't have it. I am really sorry for your wife, she really needs these headphones. That's why I would advise you take a loan from a good and trusted lending company that you can find on I think that it's a very good option, because there is a very low-interest percentage. I hope that these headphones are really going to help your wife. My cousin has some hearing problems too, and he is using some special headphones. It should work for your wife too.