



(I couldn't think of anything remotely funny to do wih 'hy')

Welcome to the Community :slight_smile:

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What about bi

@Quinnicus wrote:

What about bi

From another thread:

“For me personally I would like to see more "community" involvement in regards to general chat, participation, and for the forum user to keep coming back”

And do you really think posts such as this are the way to achieve this?

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@rich912 wrote:

And do you really think posts such as this are the way to achieve this?

In the context of the subject/replies I think this is an excellent way to achieve a little fun of nonsense postings and "engage" with others on a less serious note.


However if you have a beef with me/my postings, id prefer you keep what is said privately - private! 


On another note, I am not sure of your intentions on your post here?  I hope you are not trying to continue a "conversation" that I thought and hoped is now finished with?

I’m all for a bit of banter at the end of threads but in this instance it would seem to me to be taking the Mickey out of someone that we don’t even know whether English is their first language. I would hate to have to try and converse on a forum in a language other than English and would personally take exception to such a reply.

No I don’t have a beef with you or your general postings but as you have chosen to post your reply in the open forum I hope that you don’t mind that I have done the same.

With regard to the intentions on my post it was purely that I thought this type of reply to an OP’s post saying “Hi” was likely to put them off responding/participating further  – well it would me as a newish user of a forum.

Please note that it was not me that kept the conversation you refer to ‘going’ and no it is certainly not my intention to refuel that conversation – I think too much has already been said. In fact I was not a participant in the conversation apart from agreeing with one poster.

I’m not sure why you are so aggressive in your postings but I assume that it is a case of attack being the best form of defence? As a side note I will not be participating in this conversation further either publicly or privately – my point has been made, if you don’t agree with it then fine, we will both just have to learn to live with it.

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Hi Rich


A simple PM to me would probably have been surfice to convey your concerns - im not perfect, I dont pretent to be, so I do mess up from time to time.  So if there is any offence to the original poster - I do apologise.


But your first post on this topic seemed more of a political point scoring statement to me.  Just how I see it, thats all.



Hi guys,


Hope you had a nice Easter weekend :wink:


Sorry for jumping in.


To keep our community alive we need some real community members as a base that are engaging with us. To achive this we need to be a bit off-topic sometimes to build a relationship - it can be funny, serious or whatever.

So you're both are right enganging new members to act in our community. How this can be achived depends on the person itself - you can see it by their reaction. Since you can't look at their face it's a bit of try and error.
So everything is correct as you're polite :wink:


So from my point of view everything is valid to turn support minded users into real members and to build a good community base.


Have a great day






  Hi,  and Welcome on European Sony’s Community!  :wave:


Anyway, we’re glad that you’ve found the solution about your Walkman’s issue. :smileythumbsup::smileyhappy:@




Non mi aspetto nulla. Non temo nulla. Sono libero. - I hope for nothing. I fear nothing. I am free.   (N.K.)