Sony Reader Store, going live date?


Sony Reader Store, going live date?

Can anyone help?

I have a simple question....when will the Sony Reader Store go live? I am well aware that I can access it through my a book...and then hook it up to my PRS-T1 reader and download it. But, the whole reason that I bought this ereader, was so that I could download books on the move...including periodical publications without the need to lug my lap top around with me.

Sony...I have telephoned customer services three times, I have visted two of your Sony stores...So far, no one can provide a date when this will your Reader Store will be fully functional. This was not explained when I purchased the PRS-T1, nor is it anywhere on your website.

Please keep your customers up to date and publish the date on your website when the Sony Reader Store will be live.

In the mean time, anyone have any ideas on the live date??? or should I give up, return it, and go for the Kindle?


i have to say i have used kobo with absolutely no problems. i find their book pricing very competative and have never had any problems downloading books. i think that i probably wont end up using sony store much as i have settled into bying from kobo and passing the files through calibre and getting the books onto the reader that way. i think the wifi will mainly be used for borrowing books from the library which is a killer feature.


Zumba - but they have made great hardware - and don't ask me why the decision was taking at some level of the organisation very early on not to extend the existing ReaderStore into the UK .

Perhaps they looked around at what was already in the market , apart from Amazon, with DRM, and decide, at that time, there was no need.

But the Potter angle has definitely given them an impetus to get one up and running now.

Let's hope they've got some good engineers in ......

And I'm fairly unimpressed with Kobo too, as I wasn't with WHS also  - and there are so many interesting, efficient sources already available.

Message was edited by: carpetmojo

Message was edited by: carpetmojo

I totally agree with the comments in this thread.  I bought my PRS=T1 in November so that I could use the WiFi feature without hooking up to a computer.  I was told by te Sony store where I bought my PRS-T1 that the Sony online store would be available by Christmas - I was even shown an e-mail from Sony to the store to that effect.

Sony customer service in this case is appalling.  Indeed, I received an e-mail from Sony today proudly saying that the on-line store will be available in the spring (they don't say what year!).  I feel that I have bought a device under false pretensions - it will not do what it claims to do.  The US store is up and running why can't that store be cloned for the UK, or even used until the UK branch of Sony extract teor digits and get the site up and running.  I cannot imagine any other online retail treating customers in this way.  Sony does not seem to care about customer satisfaction.

See other thread..........  :neutral:

Having seens Amazon's store, I was actually very impressed with teh Kobo store.  It seemed to be much better stocked than the Kindle Store, and was pretty easy to buy stuff from the Kobo touch device itself.

Right now, I would rate the Kindle store a 6, the Kobo a 9 and the Sony store, a big fat 0.

It's hard to recommend the Sony to anyone without the store ready, as it's key to the device.

I am telling people to get Kobo, as it's pretty similar to the Sony in specs, (slightly inferior build quality IMHO), but it's the full deal.

The few people I have sent towards the Kobo touch have all been very impressed.

hi ZumbaChumba

i agree with you there. the books i buy are from kobo and i have never had any problems with them. one thing that does amuse me is the copious emails with discount offers i get from kobo. reason; when i try and apply discount code to the book i want to buy in invariably get the message "the publisher does not allow us to discount this title". what really is pissing me of at the moment is not sony but the publishers. they seem to have learned nothing from the mp3 debacle. i notice that most of the publisher have now withdrawn from overdrive library lending(apparently due to some dispute with amazon in america). this will kill one of the best features of the t1 as no new books will now be added to the uk library stock through overdrive(if i understand it correctly).

when i buy a product i want the product to be mine to do with what i want. you dont buy a car only to be told that only you can drive it. ranting i realise so thank good for calibre.

I too bought my Prs-T1 in November expecting the Reader store to be opened shortly thereafter.  If the store fiasco wasn't so tragic, I'd be laughing.

My reasons for buying this device over the oppositon - Easily Available in UK / SD card storage / access to Local Borough E-Library service / touch screen.... nearly imported a Nook but didn't starting to wish I had now.

I like the hardware but the companion software is rubbish my advice to anyone trying to use the Reader PC App - AVOID Like the plague !......give me calibre any day.

Come on Sony get it together I'd like to be able to use an integrated store LIKE I WAS TOLD I WOULD !

Whilst Sonys attempt to open a UK store is laughable I really dont't see why its that important. There are many stores to buy from, I've had a Sony reader for over 2 years and the lack of an official Sony store has not been a hinderance.

First, see other post on same topic....

Second, I don't think importing a Nook would have been a great move - B & N 's strength, if that's what it is, is in the US market - and could you use it for UK libraries ? Does it use Overdrive ?

I'm wondering the same thing. Can't wait for a live date here.