PRS-T1 crashing/freezing

PRS-T1 crashing/freezing

I like the T1, I really do. But, the reader application isn't stable when used in conjuction with the touch screen function.

When reading an epub book, including the 'sample' books, prior to adding any books from my own library, I can read the book quite happily if I change pages by using the hardware buttons. If however I use the 'swipe' function of the touch screen I will after a certain amount of time (could be 2 pages, could be 20) find that the touch screen is unresponsive. Sometimes I can carry on reading using the hardware buttons, sometimes I get a message telling me that 'reader application has crashed' and that I should 'force close', other times I have to reset the device.

I realise that this is a new operating system. I quite like the device and will happily hang on to it if you can assure me that this is being worked on and that a patch is somewhere on the horizon?


Well, thats a start. Shame really that Sony UK can't be bothered beyond taking your money.

I really expected more from a company the size of Sony. :slight_frown:

No problems here, I've had one a few weeks.

If you're having problems with the touch screen then check for anything interupting the infrared beams, i.e. check for any fluff or dust on the screen or under the rim around the edge.

I am really sad to have to join you with this crashing/freezing problem. I did not expect it to happen in the newest model and I have to said, I am very disappointed.

Somebody was able to film it and placed it on youtube.

Gonna have to look at that...... now how do I see Facebook ? :slight_smile: Only joking, it's near the Light Radio, isnt it....


" Written on                                                 29-Oct-2011 01:42

PRS-T1 crashing/freezing

Well, thats a start. Shame really that Sony UK can't be bothered beyond taking your money.

I really expected more from a company the size of Sony. "

As most readers will know, I am not a contributor who is content to let business get away with things.

Despite having a business myself   ( ? :smileyblush: )

I have in the past, had many a rant about Sony, basically admiring the ereader products (I have a 350 & 650 and love 'em) but despairing of their software, marketing tactics (?) and support.

Well, so far, I've marked the T1 a Good Thing - and have, to date, had none of the problems associated elsewhere.

But, once again, I have to say I like the hardware very much. The light weight is a bit disconcerting, after the 650, and it feels nowhere as "solid" as the x50 range, but that was the idea, I presume, Sony have faced up to the opposition, as it where, and the price reflects that, at last.

I find the controls lighter, all the options  - I think, I'm still trying to disremember my old x50 habits ! - are clear and useful, speed is better ( not that the x50 has ever, or now, annoyed me at all ) the screen is excellent,  I like it a lot.

I am even managing - others know me as Mr. Tech-Dunce - to access sites with wifi, which is, on balance a good feature. And obviously at last matches the oppositioon.

Until the Reader Store opens this isn't fully up, as it were, but mine's working fine. Although I can't say I'm not going to be asking for help soon ! :neutral: I also don't know if I'll ever get working it quicker than the old Store - PC - reader chain of supply, to be honest. That's probably me rather than the device !

I hope the obvious problems are soon fixed - and at present, xing finfies.

Its sad to see that Sony UK are still ignoring their own community forums to pacify their customers.

Fortunately not all sections of Sony worldwide treat their customers in such a cavalier manner and some are reporting that they are indeed working on a fix for the known problems, and hope to have a 'fix' out by the end of the month.

All in all this is a clever piece of kit, and well worth the price. I'm still glad I purchased it, and won't be returning it, but I can't honestly recommend it to others until the known (although not acknowledged by Sony UK) issues are resolved.

I too have suffered the same problem on 3 occasions.  I just happens with no change in the way I swipe the screen.

If there are any Sony lurkers out there how about marketing the PRS T1 with a special accessory: a  Sony reset paper clip.  I could increase the profits especially with Christmas coming up!

No doubt there will be a software fix soon.  If not then a hardware solution: Kobo or Kindle?

Well, it's got me now - but I had freezing on the Home page - no Books, Settings,Go back, swipe, tap....

Having seen a suggestion on elsewhere, I used the sleep/wake button around 8 times - and all was back to normal.

Easy to try for now.

This is the 3rd Sony Reader I have bought and, in my opinion, it's the best so far - Kindle killer if they promote it well. I have experienced the  "Force Close" crash several time but I simply reopen the book and carry on reading. The problem that annoys me is when swiping to turn the page the reader frequently activates the dictionary. I think the screen is excessively sensitive to touch, I thought that the dictionary would activate only when my touch lingered on a word.


whiskey - the new fixes (1.02 & i.03) will hopefully sort it anyway.

Available on the support dept.  - seemy various posts as to details ! Sorry, in a rush...:smileyplain:

Install 1.02 first.