e books from public library?


e books from public library?

Does anyone know if borrowing e books from public library is available in the UK?

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Hi Jayco52,

Short answer is yes, although like the other contributors to this discussion, I think it does depend on whether your local county library offers the service - where they do it's free.  I'm one of the lucky ones - I live in North Yorkshire and I specifically joined the library to be able to borrow eBooks (and come to that, this was one of the reasons I decided to go with a Reader device that was compatible with the EPUB format rather than the Kindle in the end).

The service is great; simple to use, and I like that on the Reader in the list of books on the device, you get a sort of clock symbol with the number of days remaining on the loan (there's also a column in the list view of the Reader Library software on your computer that gives the same information).  In my case you can borrow a book for up to 21 days.  There's no facility to renew the loan if you haven't finished reading the book, but you can simply borrow the book again - there's no limit to the number of times you can do this.

Happy reading - and I hope your local authority provides the service!

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( :angry: This site is ridiculous, it seems to be getting slower - Compare with MobileRead ! )

Ummm........ Yes, the answer is yes, but only certain ones who obviously put things in train before the cuts started.

There is a thread on this somewhere, don't have time to find it now, but about 4 areas provide a digital service.  You have to be a member of the Library.

Lots have an audio book service, which can be used by readers.

Check with the area you are interested in.

Don't forget the Singapore National Library, and the library of Philadelphia, both allow foriegn members, Philly costs about $15 p.a., Singapore is totally free.

Huge resources at both.

The beloved coalition have almost ceretainly put the chop on any new plans in the UK , unless a library area is really determined.

For example, Somerset faced closures of over 50% until uproar made them reduce it a bit, but new money there ain't gonna be.....................:smileycry:


But we forget, everybody can easily afford to buy the books we want to read, the research we want to do, the help we might pop in the Library for.........

Sorry, got a bit carried away there.

But all true, sadly.:smileysad:


Kent is one county that have ebooks on loan, unfortunately you have to live in the county.

Most are fiction, the non-fiction categories are very limited.

Singapore seem to only lend to foreigners who reside in Singapore. Registration requires a Singapore ID card number.


Hi Jayco52,

Short answer is yes, although like the other contributors to this discussion, I think it does depend on whether your local county library offers the service - where they do it's free.  I'm one of the lucky ones - I live in North Yorkshire and I specifically joined the library to be able to borrow eBooks (and come to that, this was one of the reasons I decided to go with a Reader device that was compatible with the EPUB format rather than the Kindle in the end).

The service is great; simple to use, and I like that on the Reader in the list of books on the device, you get a sort of clock symbol with the number of days remaining on the loan (there's also a column in the list view of the Reader Library software on your computer that gives the same information).  In my case you can borrow a book for up to 21 days.  There's no facility to renew the loan if you haven't finished reading the book, but you can simply borrow the book again - there's no limit to the number of times you can do this.

Happy reading - and I hope your local authority provides the service!


Sorry, late picking this up.............

Steve - yes, you can join Singapore, wherever you are/live/reside.

You are a "Foreigner without a FIN" which is described as "passport number" but really means password number, far as I can see. Any 6-digit number works, anyway, and your passport doesn't !

Go to MobileRead and all the details are there - if you still have queries, Losheesh is a very knowledgeable Forum member who gives info about this. If you search "join Singapore Library", "posts" option, or similar, you will get all you need.

And the stff are helpful as well.

Ebooks, fiction & non, audiobooks etc.. Download Overdtrive and Copia and away you go.

Good luck.:smileyhappy:


TRy the Essex county Library - i joined online and don't live in the county.


I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you cannot lend ebooks from Essex libraries, even if you join online.  Once you have joined, you then have to physically go to a library within Essex, with your registration number, so they can supply you with a library card.  So unless you live within Essex, no ebooks, I'm afraid.  To make sure I was correct, I contacted the library service and received the following response;- 'I'm afraid the ebooks are only available if you have a valid Essex Libraries card as the service is funded by Essex County Council.'  You have to live within the the borders of Essex to benefit from the services of its council, including libraries.

I was disappointed too....:smileyplain:  I contacted my library service last year, when I first got my reader and was told there was no ebook service and they had no plans to provide one, in the near future.  No doubt the cuts played a big part in that.


The situation in Northern Ireland is that most users will be able to download books from the web but you must be a member of a branch in your area. In order to enter the site you must enter your membership number and from that point all is plain sailing. The more members using this service will result in a better and wider selection of books being avalable in Epub format.


I borrow e- book from Aberdeenshire library. I'm sure there's quite a few scottish libraries have this facility. Either visit your shire's website or contact your local librarian.


Just a point I'd forgotten re: library resources - MobileRead now has a UK specific list of libraries with digital stuff, can't remember the thread, but under resources, and the "header " thread section- or Search- that until recently, was being updated as info came in. By a UK resident.

And elsewhere in this section, as well as Singapore & Philly - which any "foreigner" can join bit of form-filling is all - details of digital libraries anywhere in the world you might be !

Handy for the ex-pat or globe-trotter :slight_smile: