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I have a outside bird box camera which was connected to my old Sony Bravia via RCA socket.
How do I connect it to my new KD-43XD8305 TV?
Opgelost! Ga naar oplossing.
I have fitted the parts from Amazon and everything now working perfectly.
Thank you for your great help.
Hi there
You are most welcome
Hi there
When you mention RCA - are you referring to the Yellow/White/Red cables? If so, you can use the TVs SCART socket at the back with an additional RCA-to-SCART Adaptor.
Thanks for that, it works re the scart, but I am using the scart for Sky so require alternate solution ie. for HDMI, so I can view bird box by changing the input
Hi there
Can you tell me what Sky box (model) you have and whether you have subscribed to the HD package. Do you have any other devices connected to your TV currently?
Hi There
Thanks again for your interest.
I have a Sky plus box which is quite old and only has the scart connection, and this is connected to the only scart connection on the Sony model that I have.
What I require is some way to connect the RCA sockets ro the TV so I can change to that channel when I require to view the bird box.
PS I have not subscribed to HD
Hi there
Thanks for the additional information. I think it would be best for an AV to HDMI converter (adaptor) :
"RCA to HDMI converter is a must have if you want to keep using your older devices with your new smart modern HD TV/ HDMI monitor "
The reason I asked if you had the HD package from Sky is that from my experience on these forums is that many people who connect their Sky box to the TV via SCART seem to also have the HD package. SCART does not support HD signals, hence would be a waste of £
Thanks once again for your help.
I take it that I would need a HDMI to HDMI lead from the adapter to HDMI socket on TV.
You're Welcome
Yes you will need a HDMI cable as well. Should have probably mentioned that.
Thanks once again. I have just ordered the items from Amazon, so will let you know how I get on when they arrive.