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Finally got my Z4 working properly after years


Finally got my Z4 working properly after years

I have been so disappointed with my z4 since I bought it when it first came out.

Apps crashing

Screen very unresponsive 

Keyboard misses keys when typing all the time.

Screen rotation slow

Battery lasts a little more than 24 hrs even when not used.

Finally I have reset it for the umpteenth time and this time I didn't allow it to install all the Sony Xperia stuff and hey presto for the last 24hrs so far all the above seems to be fixed!

Just in case anyone else is having the same issues with a tablet that was supposed to be the best available when it came out, it certainly never has been for me.

Ps. Yes it has been back to Sony for a very expensive screen replacement when it cracked and that didn't help at all.