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Wireless Swich Utility Stops WIFI Connection


Wireless Swich Utility Stops WIFI Connection

On my Vaio VGN-G11VN (with German Windows Vista), running the Sony Wireless Utility stops my WIFI connection. In fact, no wifi accesspoint is visible anymore when the utility is running. Only when I stop it, everything works as before (I disabled the Sony WSSU task).

The utility worked fine until a few days ago. I did not install any new programs, only the usual Windows and Vaio updates (but I cannot track down which update causes the trouble).
Reinstalling the switch utility did not help.

Checking the 2.4 GHz WIFI box in the utility does not work: when I open the tool again, the box is unchecked. The "Diagnosis" button in the utility tells me that there is a problem that cannot automatically be resolved.


Hi sintek,

All I can suggest is to reinstall the Wireless Switch Setting Utility. It seeems that an update to one of the Sony Utilities has caused the problem.

Download the Original Utilities Package for your model from here (sorry it's 150MB): -

Right-click on the downloaded G11_Utilities.ZIP file and choose "Extract All". Extract the files to a new folder like C:\Utilities (in case you need any of them again).

Go to C:\Utilities\Utils Installer Wireless Switch Setting Utility\Setup.EXE and run it.




I already re-installed the Sony Wireless Switch Utility from this G11 zip file -- didn't help at all. Immediately after the re-installation, when the utility was automatically started, the wifi connection was gone, exactly with the same symptoms as before. Most likely, the update of some other (Vaio or Vista) component causes the failure of the Switch Utility. Since I'm currently not actively using Bluetooth, I can live with disabling it. BTW, how can I enable Bluetooth without the Switch Utility? Is there some Vista way of performing the same action? In that case, I could entirely remove the Switch Utility forever 🙂




with the new version of the Wifi Switch Utility (that I received via Vaio Update a few days ago), this problem seems to have been solved.



Hi again,

after installing some recommended Microsoft Vista updates, namely
KB 941600, KB 941649, and KB 941651, the old problems returned
(with exactly the same symptoms). I de-installed the Wireless Switch
Utility and re-installed it (which required the original,
old version to be installed inbetween, as installing the newest version
does not work!), I could not get it working, so once again I'm forced to
deactivate the WSSU task. I really hope Sony solves this problem soon, it is
really annoying (I already registered my machine for downgrading to
XP, which I will do soon if these kind of problems don't go




since this problem (and many other problems with Vista) remained, I downgraded my machine (as Christmas present to myself) to Windows XP, which rather feels like an upgrade (everything runs much faster now, including switching to hibernation mode which was nearly unusable with Vista).

The Sony Wireless Switch Utility now works fine.

I hope Sony regularly updates the XP drivers and applications!

Happy Holidays,
