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Windows Vista: HOME PREMIUM upgrade


Windows Vista: HOME PREMIUM upgrade

I've just won abid from ebay called: Windows Vista: Home Premium Upgrade. Can you tell me if I would accor any problems upgrading it on my current VAIO system. I've done "Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor" and couldn't find any problems at all. As I've upgraded the VAIO system memory from 512MB of RAM to the 2GB of RAM max a couple of months back. The graphics card still needs an update from 128MB of memory to 256 or 512MB of memory.

I've backed up my drivers just incase.

I've got "Windows XP: Home Edition SP2" installed, now ready to upgrade to "Windows Vista: Home Premium Upgrade".

Only issue it has was my Lexmark printer. So it's 50/50 if it'll work on the printer.

So it would be great if anyone could tell me the final say about the issue I.E. I wouldnt find any problems.

Thanks alot,



Just to add my system is called:


Hi Paul - how's things?

I don't think Sony plan to support your RS502 with Vista drivers and utilities but they will be supporting the RS602. The software is not yet available but is expected over the next month. This is good news for you as this means the TV Card will be supported in Vista - without the drivers for this card you will lose all your analogue inputs.

You will probably need to update your graphics card to one with Vista drivers because I doubt if your ATI Radeon 9200 is supported any more.

I would wait for the Vista drivers and utilities for the RS602 to be released before upgrading. Your RS502 should run Vista OK ..... but many of your existing programs may not work. Everyone is still finding hardware compatibility problems with Vista so I doubt if any upgrade is going to be stress free!!!

Good Luck.



Hi Paul - how's things?

I don't think Sony plan to support your RS502 with Vista drivers and utilities but they will be supporting the RS602. The software is not yet available but is expected over the next month. This is good news for you as this means the TV Card will be supported in Vista - without the drivers for this card you will lose all your analogue inputs.

You will probably need to update your graphics card to one with Vista drivers because I doubt if your ATI Radeon 9200 is supported any more.

I would wait for the Vista drivers and utilities for the RS602 to be released before upgrading. Your RS502 should run Vista OK ..... but many of your existing programs may not work. Everyone is still finding hardware compatibility problems with Vista so I doubt if any upgrade is going to be stress free!!!

Good Luck.


I've been doing good thank you for asking, yourself?

I knew that my graphics card was a slight issue running Vista. I done "Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor" check, that only picked up Lexmark issues. But couldnt find any problems running vista. Although If I do install Vista and attending to start giving me problems, can I roll back to windows XP from the sony recovery disc?

Thanks for getting back to me sir, top stuff.



I've just orderd "ATI Radeon X800 RX 256mb AGP Rage Xtreme" for my VAIO PCV-RS502. Would I find any issues? apart from may the PSU may need upgrading also, which i may find a problem with.

Thanks guys.

Hi Paul,

The trouble is Graphics Card producers never tell you how much power they consume so you never know if your Vaio can supply enough.

Are there Vista drivers? It does seem to be HDCP capable via the DVI output.

This is a dual-slot card - do you have two spare PCI slots? The second slot is required for its own fan/cooling from outside the case so you must expect it to get pretty hot and require quite a lot of power.

Perhaps someone else can add some advice - you really need someone who has tried it. It looks a little bit ambitious to me but you probably won't know until you try it.


Thank you for getting back to me, your very kind.

My PCI slots are now full due to another TV card that i bought. BUT i can remove the modem and the sony tv card "known as" Giga Pocket, then move the TV Card that i bought move that from the top to the bottom slot.

Here is the item that I bought (high bidded) on the following item:

I do have a 300watt PSU but I seriously dont use that much power from the computer like burning DVD's all day and hardly using the full power from the computer. The computer is on 24/7 streaming for TASS.TV that some of you may remember me bringing that up lol. But I can upgrade the PSU but the current one is so compact to the size of the case.

Special thanks to "Blencogo" for edvice and help.



Hello Guys, I've just ordered a 800watt PSU for my VAIO... So I shouldn't have any issues with the power. Whats more greatful that I got it made for the case. Trust me for a VAIO computer it will be powerful.

I have really gone mad bigtime on it. Only slight issue that Im not really bothered about until a few years time is the RAM upgrade, as I have 2GB installed. I've also got a good size hard disc last night for only £40. 500GB, 7200RPM, 2MB and radio steal protection.

Im very greatful aswell to VAIO computers that made there motherboards out of this world to run 24/7 and the spec for the age of it.

I have saved so much money from VAIO. I tell ya what my couson is a computer geek like me and his gone through 4 Packard Bells in the same time that I had the VAIO lol.

I'm a true VAIO FAN.... LMAO,

WOW, 800W????

Hope you have a good power supplier, because that'll be costly to run.


Lead us to say I don't pay for the eletric lol.But your right, it'll be very costly but worth it.