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I have just received a copy of Windows Service Pack 2 with a computer magazine, and i'm not sure whether to install it or not.
I have seen the odd post about problems after installing the service pack, but i havn't looked into it in any detail.
As there is no search facility on the forum, i thought i'd start a sorry if i'm going over old ground!
Should i install it or not? i currently run Norton Anti-virus 2004 with internet security and a firewall. I have Stopzilla as a pop-up stopper and I also conduct regular scans with Norton, Spy-bot and Ad-Aware...
Will i get any real benefits with installing it?
What kind of problems am i likely to encounter and how will i go about fixing them/preventing them happening?
Any advice would, as always, be greatly appreciated...
I would install XP SP2, simply because it speeds up start up times and has plenty of hotfixes.
Some problems you could encounter are needing new drivers, which VAIO-Link will probably have. You might need a BIOS update if OE starts on bootup, but thats about it.
Maybe make a restore point before doing anything wild, and backup your docs and SonicStage database.
How would i create a backup point exactly??
And a BIOS update?!? All seem a little too much for my novice knowledge!
Is it really going to be that hard?
Sorry, I've freaked you out?
You should be able to make a restore point with the program supplied in Start > Programs > Accessories > System Tools > System Restore.
A BIOS update isn't always required.
Ahhh...found the system restore faciltiy. I knew about that just didn't know where it was or how to access it!!
I think i'll back up my system, including sonicstage and then do a restore point. Then i'll have a go at installing SP2 and see how things go.
If i have any problems i'll just come here and ask how to fix it!
Good luck
Don't forget to visit and download the updates for your computer. There is a list of downloads needed for SP2 on the main drivers/downloads page.
I installed SP2 on my VGN S1XP and immediately had problems with the buttons of the Alps glide point touchpad.
I recovered to restore point pre SP2 and it fixed it but I need a fix so that I can put SP2 back on.
Any ideas pleas
Get the touchpad drivers from Alps themselves.