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i made a quick search yesterday on the web to find some ddr 266 ddr sdram so dimm (with gold leafs contact) for my pcg k215M notebook...
but i didn't find it.
MAybe other kind of ddr is suitable for my notebook?
thanks a lot
No you're thinking of Americans.
maybe...french are funny big mouthed, american are dangerous ones...
you'll be surprised, but we french pay more VAT than english people do, at least on crucial..19.6 instead of 17.5
Ouch 19.6?! I was in St. Malo on a weekend trip on sunday and i have to say that the French prices on most things are quite a few pounds cheaper than in UK. I bought a 256MB SD Memory card for my digital camera over there and it was a good £20 cheaper than UK high street prices.:smileyshocked:
yes globally life is cheaper in France than in Uk...for having spent one month in England, i can say that alcohol in pubs is cheaper in Uk than in France...strange, isn't it?
yes globally life is cheaper in France than in Uk...for having spent one month in England, i can say that alcohol in pubs is cheaper in Uk than in France...strange, isn't it?
Deluxe tax in France is worse!
Funny, my grandparents don't live far from St Malo.