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What Happens Now When Ordering Vista???


What Happens Now When Ordering Vista???

Ok im about to order windows vista will all the bug fixes included in the package or will i have to run multiple updates??

Im running a sony vaio AR21s so i find these patches/fixes critical for the hardware such as bluray!!!


Nope. It's open until 5pm here in the UK.

I think your problem is that the free upgrade period has now ended (31st March).

Hmm looks like you could be correct Sebby..

This was taken from the upgrade site..

Notice to End User

• The End User eligibility period for the Upgrade Programs was October 26, 2006 – March 15, 2007
• The End User redemption period for all Upgrade Programs ended on March 31, 2007.
• This website remains available ONLY for qualifying End Users who previously submitted redemption requests before the March 31, 2007 program end date.
• Only End users who previously submitted redemption requests before March 31, 2007 may enter this website to provide additional information to complete one or more previous upgrade requests.
• All other requirements of the applicable Upgrade Program apply.

Eligibility dates, redemption dates, upgrade software, language version, costs and other terms and conditions may vary by country/region and by computer manufacturer. Redemption cost will cover order processing, shipping, and handling. Taxes and Duties will be added as applicable.
Please make the following selections and click on the appropriate picture at the bottom of the page to begin your upgrade software order process.


Ah, so it looks as if the form will only accept a COA if you previously had an order for that particular number (which may have expired or something, hence the reason for wanting to place another order).


so last resort is to call the help line!!!???

so last resort is to call the help line!!!???

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.. :four_leaf_clover:

Thats what i find dumb if they have resolved all the bugs etc why they just add it to the package? :thinking:

Haha sounds like you'd be more at home with Linux, which is a better OS in my opinion.


I just called modus link they say u have to call sony i call sony they say u have to call modus link :S this is messed up anyone know what i can do

I just called modus link they say u have to call sony i call sony they say u have to call modus link :

It sounds like neither want to give you the bad news.

One of the cast iron conditions dictated by Microsoft was that NO further upgrades can be agreed after 31 March.

The upgrade program was agreed between PC manufacturers and Microsoft to help the manufacturers continue to sell their PCs for the last three months before Vista was released - without it no one would buy any PCs and the manufacturers would have had a very poor three months. Microsoft only agreed to this within very tight timeframes and have made it a condition of the OEM licence that no more upgrades can be agreed after 31 March.



so what do i do know.......cuz when they had the upgrade thing going on it never worked for me and i use to call modus link and said the debit/credit card system wasnt working so i wasnt able to upgrade

so what do i do know.......cuz when they had the upgrade thing going on it never worked for me and i use to call modus link and said the debit/credit card system wasnt working so i wasnt able to upgrade

All I think you can do is contact moduslink and try and plead your case... :thinking: