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Webcam on VGN-AR31S


Webcam on VGN-AR31S

Hi there,

i recently bought Sonys Top Produkt, the VGN-AR31S. I would like to run it on Windows XP which is possible when i download the utility and driver package from the AR21S Model. That was told by Sony Vaio Link.

But i am not able to get a picture from the webcam. The system manager shows me and installed Video USB device but by using the Windows Capture Tool i get no picture and by using the sony capture utitliy it tolds me no camera installed.
An installation from any of the drivers is not possible.

Also i am not able to install the internal TV / DVB-T card, no picture is shown. Which is the correct software to use the TV card?

Any help is greatly appreciated !


Hi Degger and welcome to Club Vaio,

Are you using XP Media Centre Edition or XP Pro? You need to be running MCE to use the TV Tuner without any other software. If you are using XP Pro you will have to look at downloading a software program from the TV Card manufacturer.

I believe AverMedia do supply 'stand alone' software - have a look at the AverMedia Website

I'm not sure about the Webcam. I believe the AR31S uses the VGP-VCC4 camera which is a different camera version from the AR21S and may need its own driver which you will have to find on your Recovery Discs or download. There is a Vista driver for the VGP-VCC4 Driver but I am not aware of a XP driver. Sony do not support XP on this laptop so they are unlikely to help.



Hi, thanks for you quick reply!

i am using WinXP Pro. 😞 Can you tell me which Chip is used from AVer Media that i try to find the right software.

Your news about the Webcam doesn´t sounds good 😞 I tried to install the drivers from the AR2 pack but it doesn´t worked out.
Also the driver from AR3 pack doesn´t work. I have to search my recovery disks but i think there will be the Vista driver and not an XP one 😞