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Vista & VGC-V3S - TV tuner problem


Vista & VGC-V3S - TV tuner problem

Hi there, I was just wondering if anyone had managed to get the built in TV Tuner on their VGC-V3S (or similar machine) to work under Vista yet?

If so where did you get the drivers from???


Hi andyoakes,

Bad news!!

Both Vaio Zone and the Sony MPEG Realtime Encoder Tuner are not supported in Vista yet. They were not even supported in XP MCE !!

We have asked for clarification as we believe Sony are looking at a Vista upgrade for Vaio Zone..


Good News!!

I have spoken to Sony Support today and the news is very positive.

They have a 'Vaio Zone Vista' update under development which WILL support the old analogue TV Tuners.

Excellent news for all Desktop Vaio users and those using a Docking Station with a built in TV Tuner!!

:smileygrin: :smileygrin:


Good News!!

I have spoken to Sony Support today and the news is very positive.

They have a 'Vaio Zone Vista' update under development which WILL support the old analogue TV Tuners.

Excellent news for all Desktop Vaio users and those using a Docking Station with a built in TV Tuner!!

:smileygrin: :smileygrin:

Now you tell me! I've just uninstalled Vai Zone and swapped out the OEM Sony TV Tuner for a spare Hauppuage one I had lying around :slight_frown:

There again, what am I complaining about; I have DVB-T now :smileygrin:


Blencogo - thats great news.... any idea when this will be available?

Hi Andy,

It is all there today on Sony Vaio-Link Support for V3S

I don't think anyone has tried it yet so it's fingers crossed that it all works.

Look in the Installation Instructions for Vaio Zone - it gives a list of things to install and an order to do it in. Things like the TV Tuner Library are hidden under the "OTHER" tab.

If you try them, please let us all know if it works!!!!!




I'll have to reinstall Vista first - probably be a few weeks before I have time to try this.

Will definatley report back when I do!!

Thanks for your help.



So I've spent most of the weekend with trying to get all these updates to work - and have eventually flattened my c: partition and started with a fresh copy of Vista (rather that upgrading from XP!) I've had real hastle trying to get the graphics card adapter to work properly and just about resolved that now (I hope).

But try as I might, I cannot get the TV tuner to work, the update installs but Vaio Zone doesn't show the TV as an option in the menu. Also, Click to DVD also says there is a DVD issue that prevents it from loading properly.

On the whole, its looking like Vista will work quite nicely on the VGC-V3S but if I can't get the TV tuner & Click to DVD working, I think I'll be forced back to XP.

I wonder if anyone can report succesfully getting these updates to work yet?

Hi Andy,

I have already asked Sony Vaio-Link for some help on this already. I have had a holding reply from the weekend shift that they will look at it tomorrow.

I wonder if the TV has to be used in Vista Media Centre?



Hi Blencogo - The TV Tuner doesn't seem to work in the Vaio Zone or in Media Centre... neither application seems to that it exists (even after installing the applications exactly as Sony recommend...

As I mentioned in my last post - I've had real issues getting a driver that works for my geforce fx 5700 as the Nvidia ones don't think I am running Vista... in the end I got a driver from following one of the discussion threads on these forum pages and that worked with a minor modification.

Look forward to hearing what Sony say to you.