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VGN FE11M After installaing Vista Home premium, none of the vaio tools seems to work, like "vaio update" program which is not compatible with vista.
Most of the drivers seem ok, except for bluetooth toshiba (I had to download a new driver, very hard to find).
Is Sony preparing new tools for my Vaio, under Vista ?
Hi douidou,
Hopefully Sony should release new Vista drivers, via Drivers and Updates, by the end of February..
Thanks, for your information, here are some issues I have noticed with vista on my VGN FE11M :
- "vaio update" program is not supported under Vista
- vaio control center seems useless also
- I can not set in any way the brightness/contrast/refreshment rate anymore, impossible to access any setting, I don't find any...
- the S1 and S2 butons on the notebook can not be accessed anymore, and can not be configured
- sony power management programm does not work anymore, it says "you must be logged as an administrator" but indeed, I am.
PS : I have upgraded my system from XP to Vista (not full install), as my vaio was purchased before april 06, but my config seemed OK for Vista.