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I wonder if any of th Vaio experts can help me with thes issues<<br/>1, Although I have asked before I stil can not change my animated Office Assistant (insufficient memory.
2.Having done a System recovery I can not get rid of my of being asked to register my lap top, I have looked and do not appear to see this in start up prog's.
3. Can any one explain why I keep hearing occasionaly what I can only describe as gun shots.
I would be most grateful for any assistance.
Kind regards Carl
welcome to Club Vaio..
2) You should be able to stop the register my Vaio pop-up from starting if you go to start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Scheduled Tasks..
In task scheduler go to the bottom section of the centre column (it should be called active tasks)
Double click the Vaio registration entry (I can't remember the name) and in the new window select delete...
3) Do you hear, what you describe as gun shots, whilst doing any particular task or running a certain program..?
Where is the the sound coming from, can you give more information..