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VAIO Laptops Unreliable...and very slow.


VAIO Laptops Unreliable...and very slow.

Hey guys...just wondered if any of you VAIO users out there are as unhappy with their VAIO as I am?? I have had numerous problems with my FS415B which is now just over a year has also been back to Sony twice, the last time the hard drive needed to be completely replaced...resulting in loss of data. It has also been my slowest laptop to date by a mile, even though RAM has been upgraded to 1024MB. Some of my clients have had similar problems with their VAIO' I know this is a common concern. My experience has put me off ever buying another Sony product... :slight_frown:


I have my brandnew Vaio-ar21-s for 3 days now and I have the same experience as you,
1) the desktop buttons under vista are not working
2) the camera is not working
3) there are no preeinstalled drivers for vista for this type, which gives me frustration to download it from sites, recommended by whiskits on this forum. Sony should have a repository for these Vista problems per notebook type, a servicepack from now and then would be very much appreciated. with HP notebooks and Acer notebooks everything works fine from day one. you should do so much effort in getting it working driver by driver...crazy Their slogan; Sony recommends Windows Vista , but my brandnew laptop was pre-installed with Windows-XP. There is not even an option on their web page which gives you the possibility to download All Vista drivers in 1 service pack. Not a good service. I spent Euro 2100 for this laptop, but with the problems so far; my first opinion: IT IS NOT WORTH YOUR MONEY. My Acer laptop of my 7 year old son of Euro 800 is working better than mine , it is pitty that I can not return this piece of <profanity removed by moderator>.


Hi Skywalker2508

Sorry to hear about your VAIO problems...think Sony need to 'wake up' with regard to product development and quality issues. 'Sebby's' comments about VAIO's 'looking good' with a 'good finish' is true, but what they are really doing is 'cladding' a sub-standard electronic product in a well made, good looking case....fooling the consumer into thinking they are buying a quality product. TVR make a great looking car, yet they are very unreliable... There are superior brands out there...its just a shame that Sony are not what they used to be.

Anyway, good luck with your'll need it!

If they moved it back to Japan you can get they'd charge more for the priviledge


If they moved it back to Japan you can get they'd charge more for the priviledge

Well this is just it; they wouldn't move back to Japan because it would cost them more. They couldn't up their prices anymore because they'd be too expensive. Thus, they'd have to make less profit.