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Vaio FE21M notebook - battery problems


Vaio FE21M notebook - battery problems


I have a VGN-FE21M and just recently I have noticed that the battery will not hold charge for more than an hour or so. Now today when I switched on it won't hold charge at all! In fact when I click on the power management icon on the desk top the battery is not even recognised. I just pulled out the power lead to see if the battery then became recognised and the machine instantly turned off. I now have to have the machine plugged into the mains for it to boot up as soon as I switch off mains power the machine powers down.
Has anyone else had the same problem? - is it the battery as i suspect or something else? Not recognising the battery worries me that it is something more complicated than just replacing the battery

Thanks for your help and advice if you can give me some!


Hi, I've got a brand new FZ21Z and the battery in mine is a bit weird too, it will only hold it's charge for about 30 minutes and takes ages to fully charge as well.

Vaio tech suppport think it is something to do with the charger as that seems to get really hot and then stop charging so they are sending me a new one to see if it fixes the problem.

I would give them a call and see what they can do for you, I have to say that I was very impressed with the service I got this morning.