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usb webcam VGP-VCC1 problem with FE21H


usb webcam VGP-VCC1 problem with FE21H

After I got my LCD replaced due to some problem the VGP-VCC1 motion eye camera do not get detected. After searching through the forum i found out this happens to a lot of people but all of them are having Vista running & the error they get is the Device is already in use.
But in my case, I'm using the XP home edition with SP2 & the camera can not be detected at all.
the camera is not installed in the scanners & camera section in control panel. I'm not able to reinstall the driver from C:\Update\Driver\Camera. I even have run the Vaio Recovery disks but with no success.
Can neone tell me where can i find the driver for the VGP-VCC1 camera, or how to install the driver available?